Jan 27, 2022
In this episode Gary talks to Rob Moore on juggling life, business and kids. “Tell them less and show them more.” In this episode, Rob talks about being a role model to his children at home by showing to them his work ethic, a creative entrepreneurial mind, the ability to solve problems, being positive and how to...
Jan 20, 2022
In this episode Gary discusses conditional selling. A word in the mortgage and insurance industry that is a huge issue when it comes to the FCI, when it comes to compliance; It’s something that we are not allowed to do. Conditional selling is turning around to your client and saying, “unless you do the mortgage with...
Jan 13, 2022
In this episode Gary talks to Steve Payne on how to live a life full of purpose. They also talk about living a life that is fulfilling in a way that you are able to create financial stability for your family and at the same time you enjoy what you are doing. What you need to do in order to have a fulfilling life is to...
Jan 6, 2022
In this episode Gary discusses reflection, because reflection drives results for your business. He reflects on 2021 where he had a fantastic journey in terms of his own mortgage brokerage, scaling his coaching business which helped a huge number of helping mortgage advisors to increase leads and sales and his podcast...