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The PRO Podcast

Oct 24, 2019

Average to Awesome - Why it's Okay to have a 6/10 day, and How to Make Your Next One a 10/10!


In this Episode, Gary was feeling fired up! After having a rough week after coming back from. Holiday and feeling ill, he bounced back better than ever and realised that having a day to recover and being a 2/10, allowed him to get up the next day a 10/10!! It is okay to have an off day, as long as you come back the next day better than ever! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave. A rating and review and we will see you on the next one! Remember, Now is the time to become PRO!


What is Covered:

  • It is okay to be a 6/10. 
  • You can’t be on fire every day, the sooner you learn that, the more productive you will be.
  • Motivational podcast to get you back on track.
  • Bring the best 6/10 you can be is still great!
  • Allowing yourself to be a 2/10 one day, means you could be a 10/10 the next!
  • Get people around you who can help on your off days.
  • Pick people up if you see they are having a bad day to get the most out of them!




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