Jan 6, 2022
In this episode Gary discusses reflection, because reflection drives results for your business. He reflects on 2021 where he had a fantastic journey in terms of his own mortgage brokerage, scaling his coaching business which helped a huge number of helping mortgage advisors to increase leads and sales and his podcast which is approaching 200 episodes! He discusses further that there is no such thing as failure, there is only feedback, whether it is good or bad, and reflecting on this to genuinely assess your results will help to ensure that you can get more results in the future.
What Is Covered In Today’s
Episode Of The Financial Pro Podcast:
Gary Das takes you on an
entrepreneurial journey of education, inspiration, and motivation
to help you become a Pro of your industry!
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If you want to find out more about the CPD accredited Mortgage Adviser PRO course please visit www.financial-pro.com/courses team@garydas.com